8:00 a.m. Worship Service 8/16/20 – Rev. Priscilla Campbell, FUBC Associate Minister
CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 8/16/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Priscilla Campbell Sermon Text: Psalm 133:1-3 Sermon Title: The Blessedness of Unity PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING
From The Deacon Board
Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for your support and participation in our first ever Church Communion Service through conference call. It was a “Great” experience for those taking a part in the Service. There was a lot of greeting of one another, some catching up with fellow members and overall,...
8:00 a.m. Worship Service 8/9/20 – Rev. Roberta Young-Jackson, FUBC Associate Minister
CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 8/9/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Roberta Young-Jackson Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Sermon Title: For Christ's Sake PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING
8:00 a.m. Worship Service 8/2/20 – Rev. Gwen Hedgepeth, FUBC Associate Minister
CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 8/2/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Gwen Hedgepeth Sermon Text: Acts 9:1-31 Sermon Title: Get Out Of God's Way PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING