Rev. Dr. Roberta Young-Jackson – Zoom Bible Study, October 27, 2021
Rev. Dr. Roberta Young-Jackson – Zoom Bible Study, October 27, 2021 This Zoom recording may not be visible on mobile devices. If so, view on laptop or desktop.
Rev. Tommy Fleming – Zoom Bible Study, October 13, 2021
Rev. Tommy Fleming – Zoom Bible Study, October 13, 2021 This Zoom recording may not be visible on mobile devices. If so, view on laptop or desktop.
8:00 a.m. Worship Service 7/11/21 – Andrea D. Wilson, FUBC Associate Minister
CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 7/11/2021 FUBC Associate Minister, Andrea D. Wilson Sermon Title: Building Everlasting Faith Sermon Text: Jude 20-21 PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING
8:00 a.m. Worship Service 5/23/21 – Rev. Charlene Martin, FUBC Associate Minister
CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 5/23/2021 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Charlene Martin Sermon Title: Praying For Increase Sermon Text: Ephesians 1:15-23 PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING