8:00 a.m. Worship Service 9/13/20 – Rev. Gwen Hedgepeth, FUBC Associate Minister

CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 9/13/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Gwen Hedgepeth Sermon Text: Exodus Sermon Title: Hallellujah! PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING
8:00 a.m. Worship Service 9/6/20 – Rev. Roberta Young-Jackson, FUBC Associate Minister

CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 9/6/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Roberta Young-Jackson Sermon Text: John 3:16-17 Sermon Title: Jesus PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING
8:00 a.m. Worship Service 8/30/20 – Andrea D. Wilson, FUBC Associate Minister

CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 8 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 8/30/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Andrea D. Wilson Sermon Title: Unhindered Sermon Text: Acts 8:26-40 1.) Obedience v 26-38 2.) Twofold Invitation v 29-35 3.) Vehicle Used (any means of transportation necessary) v 29-35 PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU...
9:00 a.m. Worship Service 8/23/20 – Rev. Jerline Hicks, FUBC Associate Minister

CLICK ON VIDEO BELOW TO VIEW 9 a.m. Sunday Morning Service, 8/23/2020 FUBC Associate Minister, Rev. Jerline Hicks Sermon Text: Psalms 34:1-8 Sermon Title: Deliverance: There Is A Blessing In Your Cave PLEASE RELOAD YOUR BROWSER IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH VIDEO LOADING